
Clinical Laboratory
Central Research Laboratory
Variyar Cafe

Canteen facilities are available in both College and Hospital campus. A separate hygienic central kitchen is available at our institution for preparation of food for the hostellers. Separate Kitchen facility is made available at all the hostels and quarters of our institution which are maintained under hygienic conditions. Delicious meals, refreshments and snacks are available at reasonable rates.
Vinayaka Missions Kirupananda Variyar Medical College Library is the fruit of the vision of a great visionary Sri Dr.A. Shanmugasundaramthe Founder Chancellor of Vinayaka Missions Research Foundation (Deemed to be University). A large collection of Medical sciences books and Journals gathered over a period of 28 years rich study reference material. As of 2020 the Library equipped with collection of books classified under “Universal Decimal Classification”, 119 National and International Print Journals, 5088 online Journals. For ready references 377 copies of dissertations are available in physical copies. They have also been uploaded in the “Shodhganga” Reservoir. A Book bank is being function efficiently as part of the Library. A Separate “Archives” Section is availablecontaining, old editions of books, ancient Indian medicine manuscripts and back issues of Journals which are preserved for ready reference.A large area provided apart in the library, to enable students to study with their own books. This can be seated upto 150 Students.Aware of the need for accessory maximum knowledge in a quickertime by utilizing modern technology our library provides free access more than 363 DVDs and 1932 online Journals.Our Digital Library is indeed a show piece. In addition, two internet Labs with over 42 computers systems are available for use by students (UG/PG) and faculty at free of cost.
1. Reference Service
The Library staff at the reference and Information Desk will be able to provide information on library services and basic assistance with catalogue usage, database, and general reference works etc. Admission to the library is restricted to members of the othercollege, but can be permitted to access library resources may do so with the permission of the Dean. Central library resources the right to refuse entry without explanation.
Library Working hours.
Week days : 08.00 -12 midnight Sunday & other holidays : 9am -2.30pm2. Reprographic Service (Photo Copying)
Photo copying services (xerox) are located inside of the central library. Copyright regulations must be observed at all times.3. Digital Library
The Digital Library contains an extensive collection of educational videos, CD Rom’s and DVD’s etc. There are facilities for individual as well as for small groups to watch video material. The Digital Library is open during normal Library hours and the library staff will coordinate with the users.4. Automation:
Library has facilities such as Campesi-lib software and OPAC (Online Access Catalogue) which is used by students & faculty for search of books by title/ author name etc. All the work related to issue and return has been computerized. All books are bar-coded. Campesi-lib is a totally integrated software package encompassing all aspects of library management. This software covers all areas within the preview of the Campesi-lib for efficient Information Management and at the same time provides a precious tool to all its members to have access to these resources at fingertips. Modules / Features of Campesi-lib • Cataloging • Barcode enabled Issue return • OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) 5. Web OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) facility is made available through Campus i-Lib Library management Software to know the bibliographical details about the collection. One separate node is made available in the Central Library for OPAC facility. And as it is a Web OPAC, user from any location can search the library collection. Search by giving Title, Author, and domain can be carried out. 6. Security of resources is ensured through a system of checking at the exit point for all resources borrowed by the users. Visitors are also required to sign, noting the time of entry and exit. CCTV cameras are installed in the library for strict surveillance.


Hostels : "A Home away from Home"
At Vinayaka Mission’s Kirupananda Variyar Medical College and Hospitals, Salem - Life in the campus is probably the most memorable period in the lives of the students. Multi-storied hostel buildings, built separately for both men and women are equipped with all the amenities for comfortable living and with excellent mess facilities. Strict discipline which facilitates a conducive atmosphere for self study, is maintained to build the character of the students. Entertainment facilities are available for the hostellers to spend their leisure time. Internet facility is also made available in men’s and women’s hostel. Lush green atmosphere coupled with vast sports ground surrounds the hostel complexes. Sophisticated Staff Quarters for the faculty members are also available at our College.
Counselling Services
Vinayaka Mission’s Kirupananda Variyar Medical College and Hospitals, Salem provides counseling services in order to prepare the students to move with a firm sense of direction. Professional and confidential services are provided to all students covering personal and learning issues. Each student is attached to a faculty counselor during his/her entire course of study to monitor the progress of the student. The academic performance is closely monitored and appropriate corrective measures are taken in time through special coaching and additional training. Periodically, parents are intimated of their wards performance.
Professional Development Program
All over the World, in view of the globalization and IT revolution, English language has acquired a totally new dimension in the industry at large. With a view to give our students a competitive advantage, the English Language Centre of Vinayaka Mission’s Kirupananda Variyar Medical College and Hospitals, Salem provides a variety of programs covering General English and English for academic purposes.
The Skills offered in English are:
- Reading strategies
- Writing skills
- Interpretation of graphic information
- Notes taking from both lecturers and written text
- Language, specific to business, medical sciences and computing.
Indoor / Outdoor Games

Internet Center
Students have free access to internet facilities maintained at our institution. From Anatomy to Community medicine, all the departments in college campus are connected and are fully networked. Internet, E-learning and browsing facilities are centrally maintained. Both undergraduates and postgraduates are trained and actively encouraged to make use of the internet facilities not only for their curriculum needs but for research and to enhance their knowledge.
Student Health Services
An intelligent mind is best ingrained in a healthy body. At Vinayaka Mission’s Kirupananda Variyar Medical College and Hospitals, health management is given due importance and is second only to intellectual and spiritual well-being. Health services provide general first-aid, emergency treatment, nutrition advice, eye and ear testing and referral to the specialist services.
Vinayaka Health Club of our college provides guidance on health services. Simple and affordable insurance schemes are available for the students to get the health coverage. Medical service and consultations are free at our teaching Hospital and students are availing these facilities.
Our Campus
Our Campus

Our Campus

Our Campus

Our Campus

Our Campus

Our Campus

Our Campus

VMKVMC College Location
- Chinna Seeragapadi, Salem – 636 308, Tamil Nadu, India
- Phone: 0427 – 3500800 (Hospital) &
0427 – 3500803 (College) - Email:
University Administrative Office
- Sankari Main Road (NH-47), Ariyanoor, Salem - 636 308 Tamil Nadu, India.
- Phone: +91 427 3987000
- Fax: +91 427 2477903
- Email: